1. Appendectomy
    This is the surgical removal of the appendix, typically performed as an emergency procedure when the appendix becomes inflamed (appendicitis). It is often done via laparoscopy, a minimally invasive technique.

  2. Cholecystectomy
    The removal of the gallbladder, usually due to gallstones or inflammation (cholecystitis). This can be done laparoscopically, which involves small incisions and quicker recovery times.

  3. Colon Resection
    This involves the removal of a portion of the colon, often due to cancer, diverticulitis, or inflammatory bowel disease. The remaining ends of the colon are reconnected, or an ileostomy/colostomy may be created.

  4. Gastrectomy
    A partial or total removal of the stomach, usually to treat cancer, ulcers, or other severe conditions. It may involve reconfiguring the digestive system for proper nutrient absorption.

  5. Hernia Repair
    Surgery to correct hernias, which are often caused by muscle weakness or strain. This may be performed via open surgery or minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques.

  6. Mastectomy
    The removal of the breast tissue, typically due to breast cancer. This may include removal of the entire breast (total mastectomy) or just the tumor and surrounding tissue (partial mastectomy).

  7. Thyroidectomy
    The removal of part or all of the thyroid gland, typically done for thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism, or large goiters. It may involve the removal of nearby lymph nodes if cancer is present.

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